Thursday, January 26, 2012

Glass Block Bar

Anyone up for joining me for a drink at this beautiful glass block bar? I have a time machine in my back yard. Here's the description from the back:

When in St. Louis, Visit the Air Conditioned GLASS BAR. The Most Magnificent Show Place in the Middle west. Featuring Tempting Food and Refreshing Drinks. Entertaining Music with Relaxing and Attractive Atmosphere. Satisfying and Smiling Service. Enjoy a New Thrill. Visit the Glass Bar.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

South Carolina Part II

Last's week's entry, in anticipation of the South Carolina debate featured linen postcards of places that I don't think exist any more. So, this week, we're moving into the chromes, with maybe some more luck of finding a restful night's sleep after the all the Republi-fuss.

Your first choice is the Sexton Upton Motel in Florence, SC:

Ultra Modern Guest Rooms, all with private tile baths. Fully carpeted floors. Airfoam mattresses. Air conditioned heat. Room telephones and TV. Near excellent restaurants, shopping district, theatres and all leading churches.

Not for you? Then check out the Empress Motel, Allendale, South Carolina, with the awesome signage out front. And the awesome Empresses out back lounging by the pool. Whose that guy in the suit in the background? The Emperor, perhaps??

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Where to Stay in South Carolina

OK, Folks. The 2012 South Carolina Republican primary is only a few days away, and you'll want to be there for all the excitement. Need a place to stay? Here are two excellent choices:

First, there's the Pocalla Springs Tourist Court. They claim to be "on the shortest route from New York to Miami," which is a fancy way of saying there's nothin' there worth stopping for!

Or, if you like, there's the South Side Tourist Court in Walterboro. It has everything, according to the back of the card:

Sleep in Safety and Comfort without Extravagance. All strictly
modern, steam heated cottages. Private baths. Proper price cafe, famous for good
food. Lounge for guests. We service your car while you sleep. Phone, mail and
Western Union Service.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Shopping in the 60's

Here are two vintage views of 1960's grocery stores, as featured on postcards from the Piggly Wiggly Manufacturing Division. The postcards are labelled "Impact Merchandaising." These may or may not be high impact, but they certainly bring back memories of what stores used to look like.

I can just hear the ka-ching of the old cash registers in the check out lines!